Bio-Hacking To Your Best You – What is It?

Bio-Hacking” your way to health and vitality is here! Would it not be great to walk out the door feeling your absolute best every day? We have discovered solutions that solve common health problems by supplying the body what it needs to function optimally. Achieve the health and performance results you desire! Check out the video below to understand more about bio-hacking science and common sense ways to use it. We know these products and ideas are life changing because we live it. You Can Too!

At the bottom of this page are Links to More Information about Each Of these Amazing Products as well as personal experiences with each. In a rush to get to a particular item quicker, just scroll down for product descriptions and links to individual product descriptions.

BioHacking is a collection of integrative health techniques that optimize and raises the potential of our own biology. BioHacking refers to making incremental changes in diet, lifestyle and supplementation for near and long term well being.

We have found a company, whose founder has over 3 decades of experience in this space. As a highly successful and sought after entrepreneur in all aspects of business, he has created the The Ultimate Products in the BioHacking Field, using the latest knowledge to solve common but difficult health and well being issues that we all face at one time or another. The mission of this company is to improve the quality of life for all, both physically and mentally.

Most importantly, this company stays innovative in product development because the owner is able to make large investments to formulate the best products with the latest in scientific discovery and innovation. In addition, all aspects of formulation, production, marketing and distribution are completed in house in this debt free company. In other words, you can be assured that you will receive the highest quality on time every time.

The Quality of Supplements and Wearable BioHacking Technology matters. All Products are not created equal. One very important factor for nutritional suppllements is absorbability. You body is mostly water and supplements are generally oil based. Oil and water do not mix. Absorbability is a huge question for you to ask because if the supplement cannot get inside the cell, then your money simply flushes away.

The company we have found uses soundwave technogloy to make the molecules small enough to penetrate the water barrier and inside the cells. In addition the highest standards of manufacturing techniques and quality control are embedded into the manufacturing process. I visited the manufacturing facility and was totally impressed with the quality of ingredients and process controls.

Do you know that trillions of biochemical/electrical reactions take place in your body every day? Can you believe that, just like your fingerprint, those reactions are completely unique to you. Is it possible for anyone doctor, group of doctors, pharamaceutical company or supercomputer to ever know all there is to know about your unique humanity consisting of physical, mental, emotional, energy and even spiritual human qualities? In addition, we have a nutrient-deficient food supply, relentless marketing of processed “non-food”, and declining family/community wisdom. Is it any wonder that you and I and everyone need help to optimize our health.

The good news is that your body is always striving to function in a balanced state called homeostasis. Your own body works for you despite being bombarded 24/7 with outside aggressors like EMF radiation, processed food that is not even real food, unnatural light and sounds at odd times, disappointments and life hurdles faced by every human, broken families, community breakdown, and “other people” who have never learned or been taught to live by the golden rule.

Your own healthy and optimum functioning body is your best defense because it fights hard to keep you balanced physically, mentally, emaotionally and spiritually with a balanced energy field. It is our very best weapon to optimize our own life and to support those around us to do the same. Therefore, we must be intentional and take responsibility for being our own best advocate. We do this by listening to our body with our 5 senses, providing the body with the fuel and environment it needs, and learning to question the information we are given from others.

In times past, solutions from the natural world, passed down through generations, were used to heal your body. Mealtime was a time that the family ate delicious, homecooked meals made from scratch with real vegetables, grains, meats, and fruits. Before the continued centralization and industrialization of modern society, families stayed closer together so information was passed among and between families in a community. In addition, family support was available when the inevitable hard times happen in every human life.

Modern life has stripped us of this knowledge, family support and community experience. Even if you did not grow up in a perfect nuclear family (who does?), extended family, teachers and people in community organizations often filled in the gaps. For instance, older women in churches would take young mothers under their wings to share their knowledge gained from real world experience, give encouragement and even give help and breaks. Families and raising children were valued in society.

We live in a wonderful time of exploding knowledge and every increasing technological wonders. Technology can be used for good and for bad. “Your Liberty Lifestyle Community” is here to help you navigate this explosion in knowledge and discover the good discoveries in the new “roaring 20’s”, 2020’s style. In our decades of experience, we have seen it all. And, please also consider as you explore the incredible new science of bio-hacking:

  • Quality of solutions matter and therefore make a difference in the results you see.
  • Your body is totally unique to you just like your fingerprint. This means that you must become your own advocate, listen to what you body tells you, and seek answers until you find the best solution for your situation.
  • If you are an adult, the condition of your health did not happen overnight. If you have unwanted pounds or do not sleep or have pain or brain fog, or lack of focus, poor digestion, or other difficulties that keep you from optimal performance, it did not happen overnight. Solutions requires real patience….a minimum of 3 months or 6 months. The end result may even longer, but you should be able to see or feel progress being made. This is actually a good thing because you will be more likely to maintain the good habits that you develop as your body heals. It is also a good thing because you will feel so much better and be able to accomplish everything for which you have been put on this earth.

More good news is that given the proper fuel (ie nutritious food) and practices, your body can often withstand or heal itself from continual 24/7 attacks from the outside and from chronic conditions that our modern world fosters. Your unique body may require some nutrients or habits in more or less quantity than mine. However, as you explore, your body will tell you what is working.

By the way, fuel includes not only the food you eat and the supplements you take, but also your exercise and other practices which help create fuel through biochemical reactions inside you. That’s right, everything works together and no one human, group of humans or government or business organization can possibly conceive of the creation that is uniquely you. You have the ability to advocate for yourself and understand what you need to thrive. Get ready for a fascinating journey as you create the optimal body machine uniquely yours.

Actually “Bio-Hacking” is sometimes nothing new. Sometimes we have a new name for something practiced since antiquity. However, because of technology, we can see how the body responds to various nutrients and practices at the cellular level. We know why it works now. Modern diet, modern habits at home and work, proliferation of emf, screens and 24/7 lifestyles as well as big agriculture and big pharma have caused us to lose some of the wisdom passed down through the ages. So good habits have been lost and caused our health to suffer.

One example of “bio-hacking” is the practice of intermittent fasting for various lengths of time. Fasting goes back to Biblical times and Eating within an 8 hour window was common practice when I was a little girl. We used to say eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a queen and supper like a pauper. When people ate healthy meals, cravings were minimized. WE KNOW WHEN PROPERLY NOURISHED, WE NEED LESS FOOD. Now, with advanced microscopes and other technologies, we can see why by studying the exact cellular benefits of fasts of different lengths and types.

As a young adult, Monday fasts among women were common just to maintain weight. One of my mom’s best friends wore her tightest jeans one day a week. I do that too now to maintain the 20 pound weight loss that I achieved through bio-hacking. Almost without noticing, I eat less for a day or two if I have to lay down to zip my jeans.

One of the things I have discovered for my particular body is that it is much easier for me to eat less if I do my high intensity walking routine to various speeds of music in the morning. People have been exercising in the morning much longer than the word “bio-hacking” has been used. My walking routine includes sides steps, kicks, knee lifts, moving my arms with the lower body movements and the use of a stretch band. This routine works me out without ever getting on the floor. But, HIIT – High Intensity Interval Training is also nothing new . It was practiced by ancient Olympians. But we know now that it helps a person build muscle and not break it down.

Another bio-hack is drinking a glass of all natural red wine as a digestion and relaxation aid. Way back in the 1950’s the doctor prescribed my grandmother a glass of port in the evening. But Drinking Wine is 7000 years old and helped save people during the Bubonic plague when water was contaminated. We see now with modern technology what the body does when it ingests chemicals and other things it does not recognize. If you would like to experience the health benefits of red wine without any added chemicals, check out fine wine. Most wine today has up to 270 additives to mimic the aging of fine wine without additives, to copy the taste of wine that has been properly aged and to increase the shelf life. Your body does not know what to do with the additives so you get headaches and “rot gut”. To experience the true health benefits of wine with fine wine, check this out.

The industrial medical and agricultural complex with the help of government agencies have heavily marketed their own solutions to be the answer for all our needs. At one point in my lifetime, neither pharmaceutical companies nor lawyers were allowed to advertise to the public. Why do you see so many advertisements on TV for pharmacetical products when you cannot even purchase most of the products without a prescription? The answer is control of information. In fact, 70% of ads are placed by pharmaceutical companies which stops anything negative from ever being published. It is quite remarkable that if the body is in fact self-healing with good food and exercise, that the medical industry is now 17.7% of the economy of our land. This should give us all reason to stop and think.

Due to large scale, centralized farming techniques, our food supply is nutrient deficient. Although more people are sounding the alarm, it is difficult to spread the word and difficult for people to understand, believe and to start living in a new way. Centralized control in our medical system, media and agriculture has also caused a rise in chronic disease such as obesity, diabetes, autoimmune disorders, etc. This is why supplementation is so vital. Supplementation and other bio-hacking practices supply fuel the body needs to function at its optimum level. But beware, not all supplements are created equal.

Experts in anatomy and physiology sciences and the related fieds of nutrition, exercise, psychology, spirituality now create solutions to support optimal body functioning. With technology, It is possible to observe the impact on our cells when we ingest substances into the body, when we physically move and when we think. This allows formulators to create solutions, and also allows other researchers to see what happens when the body is exposed to foreign substances.

When the body does not recognize a substance, it will try to expel it or store it in fat. Have you heard the terms “cleanse” or “detox”. These are bio-hacks to rid the body of stored toxins. The knowledge explosion about the functioning of the human body is amazing and will continue. Keeping up with it all in a useable form is a challenge we want to help solve.

This change in medical practice began in the 1930’s when the medical industry (medical schools, medical conventions, pharmaceuticals, insurance, doctors’ practices) was taken over by the Rockefellers and continued to the point now where it has become so powerful as to dictate what is best for us. Natural solutions gave way to pharmaceuticals created from man made chemicals. Our life expectancy is actually declining.

If you think about it, as adults we are responsible to optimize our health so that we can be all that we are designed to be to best serve others and make the world a better place. As such, we must advocate for ourselves and our dependents and others in our community. In order to do that, we must listen to our own body with our 5 senses. Actually, it would be impossible to know all there is to know because over 37 billion trillion biochemical reactions take place in our bodies every second of every day. No doctor, no pharmaceutical company, no supercomputer will ever know everything there is to know about your unique body. They can give you clues about what works often and perhaps how it will interact with other remedies. But ultimately, it is up to you to know when your body is out of balance and needs intervention.

The solutions presented here range from nutrition to behavior and habit changes to using wearable technology to fight the EMF pollution created by our digitized world. We have found a company that has done amazing work for you and formulated effective products that we love. As you know, most of us are busy living life and have no time to become an expert in all these fields. These products each target multiple issues and each can stand alone or work together. Whatever the state of your body at the moment, it did not happen overnight. In general, you need to give a product at least 90 days to even begin normalizing and optimizing your metabolism. Studies prove that drastic changes for quick results do not sustain themselves.

Researchers can now examine and analyze what happens at the cellular level when certain nutrition, exercise and mental practices are introduced to the human body. It is really hard to imagine that both sadness and joy are biochemical reactions. But knowing that is encouraging because we can naturally fuel the body to encourage more joy and less sadness. Did you know that exercise and prayer create fuel inside your body. The natural world contains most of what we need to create balance and optimize our health. Much of bio-hacking science is applied knowledge to healthy practices passed down through generations. Unfortunately, with a deficient food supply and very busy lives, many healthy practices have disappeared. However, people are waking up, spreading the word and creating all natural, bio-hacking solutions for our modern world.

Foreign substances or objects should be the solution of last resort. Medical science is incredible when necessary. However, the natural way, when possible, encourages strength of mind, body and spirit so we need less medical care and can me the most productive to serve our family and community. You body knows when a foreign substance or object invades it and responds accordingly. When medical science is used inappropriately it leads to an ever increasing interventions that create side effects that require treatment and/or chronic conditions that require lifetime treatment.

Personally, I discovered that the field of bio-hacking is so vast that it is overwhelming and scary in some extreme sciences. But, I have also discovered that many modern day “bio-hacking solutions” were commonly practiced in times past. Good habits of healthy living were passed down through generations of families for thousands of years. In addition, each human body is unique like your fingerprint. So your biochemical reactions are different from mine.

The products and habits presented in our community are both simple and complex. However, the complex solutions are presented so that you can both understand and trust them. The science behind these simple to use products is the latest available and always packaged to be simple and effective. They are designed to optimize your health and daily life.

In addition, they are use all natural ingredients found in nature, they are manufactured with the latest technology and good manufacturing practices, they are designed to be easy to adopt into your daily life.

Perhaps the most important factor is that these nutritional supplements are highly absorbable and can penetrate the water barrier surrounding your cells. This is accomplished using sound wave technology. The products presented above work so that you will feel and / or see the results because the nutrition can get inside the cells to support your body either directly or to enable your body to manufacture what it needs. It is a dirty little secret in the supplement industry that many products purchased with hard earned money are simply eliminated from the body without ever being used.

It Takes Time For Changes in Habits and Good Nutrition to Achieve All The Results You Desire.

Also, please remember, that your body either developed issues over time or your

Not only do they provide direct nutrients, but also provide what your own body needs in order to manufacture the raw materials required for proper and balanced functioning. Each product targets more than one need


Take a look at the six incredible bio hacking solutions below. The problems they address are universal to us all. Every adult needs at least one for their body to perform at its best physically, mentally and emotionally. At some point during your life, you will likely all of them.

brān®Reimagined: This is a nootropic which is a compound that enhances cognitive performance. So within a minute or two after taking this “SNAP” I am more focused and energetic but not jittery. I admit, I procrastinated on trying this because I am so hyper anyway and very sensitive to coffee. But wow, brān® just moves my mind to the task at hand so I can concentrate and let the ideas flow. I can get and stay “in the zone” which is important when deadlines are looming and I have others.

Also, brān® is a super healthy replacement for energy drinks which we all know are bad. Because of these characteristics, brān® is a huge help with ADHD and ADD Issues. Many young professionals in my world are popping prescription meds to just to stay focused. In our over-medicated society, this is so heartbreaking for me. I am so glad we found brān® Reimagined to work with our body in a natural and healthy way. I can’t wait for you to experience it for yourself. By the way, if you have a student struggling with ADHD issues in public school, check out Brainfood Academy, where students get educated with the help they need.

Get into the State of Flow!

byōm™️ Remastered This is for Gut Health. Did you know that the brain and gut message each other to run your magnificent body? We often think the brain runs the show. And that is true. But guess what, 90% of the messaging in the body is from the Gut to the Brain. In fact, the Gut is often called the Second Brain. When you take care of your Gut, good things follow. You feel better, you consume better food and process it better and easier, so your body works less and feels better.

How do I know you consume better food? If you don’t, your gut rebels and you do not feel your best. If your gut works less to do its job, it has more strength to fight off the constant attack of pollutants coming from all directions 24/7. Actually that is the job of your body….to keep you healthy. Your body is not designed to need chemicals for health. Another super benefit of this product is that it helps those of us carrying extra and “Unwanted Fat”. Actually, I think that’s most of us.

Gut to Brain I feel great!

plôs® THERMO: Take this in the morning with the Caffeine in a Cup of Coffee, Tea or Caffeinated Beverage to amazingly curb your appetite and thermo-charge your calorie burn. Now your morning joe helps burn unwanted fat while kicking up your energy level! No one has ever said that losing weight is easy. Do not feel bad for using a catalyst to help get healthy. Most of us have carried extra weight for years so your body works so much harder all the time. This issue has moved to the youngest among us because of lifestyle, diet and constant advertising to eat processed food on the go. Actually, plôs® THERMO works so well, you may even want to set a timer so you don’t forget to eat lunch. I sometimes do skip lunch and instead eat a late afternoon lunch/dinner combined.

And even better, plôs® THERMO pairs well with zlēm® to continue the fat burn while you sleep.

Something HOT to burn your way to healthier weight. Watch the video below:

tuün™ RESONATE: EMF Pollution is ever increasing with 5G everywhere and ever increasing human activity with electronics. If you are Human and You live in modern society You need tuün™ RESONATE! Why? To counter the constant EMF pollution around us everywhere. 5G has made it even worse. Actually, there is no consumer need for 5G yet governments are not discussing its ramifications. Countless studies show the INVISIBLE negative effects of EMF pollution. Because it is invisible PEOPLE ARE UNAWARE!.

tuün™ RESONATE: Helps us ground to the Earth’s Natural Frequencies which is the Optimal Frequency for our body. We are realizing amazing results in less stress, less fatigue, less headaches. And we are seeing better sleep, better moods, and better results in posture, balance and movement. Every human on the planet needs to wear tuün™ RESONATE . This means you and everyone you care about need to wear this beautiful necklace with a 10 year life. Even your pets will love it.

Harmonize with the Earth!

uüth™ Time Reverser: Since the beginning of time people have searched for the Fountain of Youth. Remember Cleopatra! Fact is, we are all aging all the time. Collagen, the glue that holds your body together starts to diminish in your 20’s. Just take uüth™ once or twice daily to help reverse the effects of aging. Your skin, hair, nails will glow and wrinkles seem to vanish. For me, it is better joints….oh my goodness, I love the way my joints move now. And of course an more active libido just makes life fun. uüth contains the Liquid Bovine Collagen (Highest Forms) which is highly absorbable and a very Powerful Bio Hacking Solution for us all!

The Fountain of Youth in a SNAP!

zlēm® Sleep & Slim: This is the perfect solution for Sleep. Sleep and Slim is what this does. For me, zlēm® gave me the deepest sleep I have had in years. What I also love about zlēm® is the two phase month. The first seven days of every month provides the body a cleanse. It is a natural way to keep your body functioning at its highest level. And what is even more exciting, is that while you are sleeping, extra and “unwanted fat” or “unwanted inches from unwanted fat” is burning away.

With zlēm® we sleep better and while we sleep our bodies utilize our “Stored Fat” to rejuvenate our bodies. We wake up refreshed and after weeks and months of continued use the “SLIM” effect is just AWESOME! It is our best selling “SNAP”! And if your goal is weight loss, then don’t forget the extra thermogenic effects of plôs® THERMO in the morning. A superb combo for healthy weight loss over time.

Sleep Like a Baby and Lose Weight While You Dream!

BIO-Hacking for: Weight Loss, Mental Focus, Sleep, Anti-Aging, Calm and Well Being, Gut Health, EMF Protection and So Much More! These Solutions Will Change Your Life….There Is No Question About That. Produced By the Industry Leader in the Bio Hacking Science, Every Single Person On The Planet Needs At Least One.

Remember, these are products that use ingredients and elements designed by nature to work with your body. AGAIN, YOU WANT THIS KNOWLEDGE! The videos above are very informative as well as the individual pages on each product. Your body is totally unique to you. You must be intentional about your good health and well being so you can be your best for those you love. Also, remember that all products in the marketplace are not created equal due to issues like ingredient quality and absorbability and proportion. We have checked this company and their processes out for integrity, quality and results achieved.

You Need These Products in Your Life.

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Live Free Community is constantly searching for effective, new solutions in health and wellness. Good health is so important for an intentional and abundant life. Our mission here is to share safe solutions that help solve common issues that most people face at some point.


Your body and the way it functions are unique to you, like your thumb print. Your specific cells, biochemical and electrical processes are yours alone. Also, environmental factors effect everyone in unique ways. So optimizing what we feed our body, mind and spirit is our own responsibility. Live Free Community scours available information to find the best that science and experience have to offer. Fortunately, some of the work of identifying possible solutions has been done for you. Now it is up to you to take action to feel your best.

Solving multiple problems with one product is also just awesome. The Nutrition Products presented here stack ingredients to solve multiple problems. This line of products works together seamlessly so you can add, just what you need to achieve the results you want. This is so much more efficient in a world that demands more and more from us.

But remember, we are presenting health solutions from nature that work to optimize the functioning of your body. You must commit to time and consistency to achieve the results you want. Good health comes from daily habits. This is why you learned to brush and floss your teeth every morning and night. These products are not big pharma chemical medications which may have an instantaneous but temporary result, often with disastrous side effects that build invisibly over time. The goal is to help your body reach operating equilibrium or homeostasis so that it can get to and maintain optimum health.

Disclaimer. Personally, I do believe in medical science. If I have an infection, I will take a prescription. Or, If my life is in danger, I will take a prescription. Naturally, If I break a bone, I will go to the doctor. But if a doctor prescribes a medication for the rest of my life for a chronic condition, I will try to find another way to solve my problem.

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