Brainfood Academy – The Best Home School Solution for Non Teacher Parents

Brainfood Academy is the Best Home School Solution for Non-Teacher Parents. It is fully Accredited in each state with Live Teachers in Online Classrooms. Brainfood Academy is categorized as “Private School” even though it is “Direct to Your Home” because parents can access state funding, when available.

Brainfood Academy was Created to Solve The Education Problem

Let’s ask the question! Are you happy with what you are seeing in your children’s schools? Are you fully aware of what they are learning? f you have not heard, 50{5189376628fb0ebf4cf0ba40cf278addf87075f4069e9271700cad107220ed4b} of our children are not performing at grade level. Perhaps your child is the exception. However, in that case, is your child achieving all that he/she can, fulfilling their potential? This problem has moved into the best neighborhoods. Kids are being indoctrinated, not educated. There is no time to wait for a solution.

Brainfood Academy Is the Solution to Educating K-12.

Some very bright and concerned entrepreneurs, business owners, trainers and educators are hard at it creating the ultimate educational experience for all children. Brainfood Academy Started in 2017 with online tutoring programs to not only help kids over a rough spot, but also to give them personalized, advanced opportunities for learning in specialty areas. Learning at the side a tutor goes all the way back to the Greek tradition.

The founders and developers and associates of Brainfood Academy are men, women mothers, fathers, grandparents, teachers, Christian based lovers of children with vast experiences in all areas. They will inspire your children to desire to reach their potential and our teachers will give them the skills and thought processes to do so.

Problems In Schools Today

  • Performance – As just mentioned, performance is down across all categories despite the US spending more on education than any advanced nation. It makes you wonder where that money goes.
  • Core subjects like reading, writing and arithmetic have been altered and altered again based on the “novel ideas” of a small group of thinkers who don’t teach. One goal of education is to teach basic skills so they become second nature.