Welcome to “Your” Community of Possibility

Find everything you need to design the life of your dreams right here. Your Freedom Lifestyle provides you with Amazing Discoveries are here for you to receive. We have products and services and the best online K-12 Direct To The Home Private School suitable for all families. We also have opportunities for you to safely take the plunge into bulding time and financial freedom with great opportunities for entrepreneurship. Often life changing, these best in class products and services are researched and priced for everyman. In addition, we are an education platform for your whole family. your children and yourself, and even opportunities to create part or full time income in several amazing ways.

More and more shopping is moving online. Is has long been known that the best marketing is referral marketing from people you know and trust. The combinination of ever increasing online marketing, the fact that referral marketing is the most effective marketing and the law of marketing which simply states that nothing sells itself. This makes affiliate marketing an amazing way for people to make a great living from home giving them financial and time freedom. Time freedom does not mean that money “falls from trees”. It means that your can organize your work so it accomodates your priorities and not that of a boss or institution.

Another way to look at it is that you can “Design Your Life” by identifying your deepest desires, creating a why that makes you cry, defining your goals and priorities and then backing into a plan to achieve your dreams and desires. In other words, it gives you the freedom to be all that you are created to be.

When you have a life of over-abundance, it is natural to share within your own community. That way, we all get to make the world a better place. Please let us know what you think! This is Your Community and an awesome resource! We bring the World safely to your fingertips. In other words, Everything New and Useful from Web 3.0 to make your life better. We stay relevant all the time with awesome discoveries and important insights. Vendors come to us because we are good marketers. In addition, we are constantly creating new opportunities for you. Register to the right to stay informed. We value your time, your online space and your privacy.

We update all the time with best in class products, services, opportunities, ideas and wisdom. We vet what we present here. Vetting is a careful and critical examination of something. If you find anything here, it is vetted over time. Simply complete the form to the right to receive updates and what’s new. Do not worry, We value your time and your online space. We never spam! In addition, we never sell your information to others. That is our pledge to you!

For those “seeking”, we also have different paths to build a life of time and financial freedom. We have several opportunities for you to explore. We pride ourselves because we teach the knowledge, the know how and back it up with the resources that you need to change the direction of your life. The internet is full of “offers” which make promises and then don’t deliver. If you have the drive and ability to follow directions, we can give you a “university” level education in marketing and entrepreneurship. Not only that, we have solved every obstacle to your success if you can just show up for yourself with belief, drive and persistence. We walk beside you every step of the way.

Search Our Amazing Online Discoveries and Take Advantage of Them To Your Heart’s Desire.

This is a simple place to find unique and useful and best in class items to enrich your life. Just use the search bar to the right or categories to the left. We are inundated with stuff ….we prefer to identify, research and verify discoveries that improve and enrich all of our lives.

Design a life of freedom

Online community of people both blogging and viewing information to create a life of freedom and abundance,

Your Liberty Lifestyle Community Portal is a broad collection of unique products, services, opportunities, training, education, community, and career resources. If you would like to stay home with your children, we have created a way for that to happen. We are now creating a way for your children to learn and thrive in the safety and security of your own home with live teachers and the absolute best curriculum. In certain states or locations, you may even be able to get funding for your child’s education which returns some of your tax dollars to your home in addition to providing the best education possible Within this site, we teach you how the world really works and provide the products and services you need to thrive. Join us and design your life with intention. We want you to have time and financial freedom plus access to the best of the best in products and services.

Be Safe Online

This is a space where you can explore the “new” online! Everything discussed is researched and vetted, so you are in a place of safety. We make everything affordable and obtainable for all. Your Liberty Lifestyle Community Information System is your trusted resource to find things you need and want, to answer perplexing questions, and to discover things you did not yet know you needed.

Online Discoveries – Updated With New Things All The Time

We are constantly updating with new “online finds” and information. People come to us to help them share new things with the world. We only agree to good things for you. So join us on this journey! Bookmark This Site by Pressing [CTRL]+ [Delete] so that you can easily find us. Let us keep you posted about everything new by Completing the Form to the right. That way, we can inform you of time sensitive information and what’s new. In addition, Contact Us at any time. This is your community and we never sell access to your information. We respect your privacy, your time and your inbox. And, We Promise to never spam you. Our mission is to protect you and provide you with your own personal online community.

Your Liberty Lifestyle Community Information System MEANS Quality ResearchP

Each page in Your Liberty Lifestyle is researched completely……and fully explained. Specifically, armed with what you find here, you can make informed decisions about cutting edge technology, new concepts and how to use them in your life. We have information, products, services, and systems vital to your family’s interests. Our mission is to help millions of families dream again and live life by design rather than circumstance. By the way, we have some fun stuff too…..After all, We All Need Fun.

Best In Class at Direct To Consumer Pricing

We seek to provide tools, resources, products and services for those desiring a better life with best in class products, services and information at DTC (direct to consumer) pricing. Our Founder has been working as an entrepreneur for over 3 decades, starting as a teenager. He has been blessed through an incredible work ethic, outstanding integrity and ethics, and the gift of a technology mind. He started working during the era of telephony and began building the internet systems we have today when the internet was born. Because of our reputation and strength, manufacturers and service providers come to us to market their products/services.

Multiple Income Streams for Financial Security and Wealth

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket” is absolute truth known by the wealthy few. For those who are interested, we offer multiple ways and means to create multiple income streams for your family. This means you can learn to build time and financial freedom and pass that legacy on. We want you to have the choice and means to dream bigger. You can simply enjoy our incredible, one of a kind, luxury products and services. But if you have a need or desire for more, we can hold your hand and teach you to be an entrepreneur. We have a training and communication system that works for everybody. In addition, we have a community that works together to protect and to share these blessings.

Your Liberty Lifestyle Community Information System is a Unique Business Model and Social Community

Your Liberty Lifestyle Community is totally unique. There is nothing like us. So, explore all categories and visit often. We have been developing this model and growing for over 15 years, since 2008. We are here to engage you with our mission to help millions of families around the world build a life of freedom and abundance. We know that the world has abundance for all and that when abundance is pushed out it becomes a force multiplier to solve problems and build communities.

AGAIN, Contact us anytime! Again, we value your time and your privacy. Further, Your Liberty Lifestyle Community Information System updates all the time so remember to bookmark this page to always be in the Know! Just Press [CTRL] + [D]. Plus complete our registration form to the right so we can let you know of new and time sensitive information. And again, We Promise to never spam you or sell your information to others. Our mission is to protect you and provide you with your own personal online community.

Why Now for Your Liberty Lifestyle Community Information System?

Due to massive problems uncovered during the pandemic, the internet is in a state of super growth. In fact, the next generation internet, WEB 3.0 is just beginning to grow. Human beings always find a way to solve massive problems using the latest technology available. And the quickening pace of technology advancement means upheaval in our world. Just like the roaring 1920’s saw massive innovation following the 1918 flu pandemic, we are entering a similar roaring 2020’s. Technology is accelerating at an accelerating pace.

Safely Take Advantage of New Technologies in All Areas of Human Endeavor

We Will Educate You about various technology advancements so that you know what you are doing and feel safe in taking advantage of what the universe has for you. We are not just talking about computer/communication technologies. There are technology improvements in health and wellness, in education, in skin care….new products are constantly being developed to solve problems. That is the nature of human beings living in a free society.

It is so hard to keep up with advancements which are outside our normal experience. To have a dependable resource for research is invaluable. So, we will support you by sharing new online finds — solutions to make each of our lives more sustainable, free and filled with abundance.  

We find the solutions: “what’s new” and “what’s innovative” and “what’s safe. We verify it. And then, we share it in ways that we all can understand, afford, and benefit.

Below are a few examples from our awesome Live Free Community. Or, just check out the categories on the left and click around!

How Did We Arrive as Leaders in Direct to Consumer & Affiliate Marketing?

So, how did we arrive here? Built upon 35 years of direct to consumer marketing and technology experience, our founder/leader and equally talented wife decided 15 years ago to break the mold and teach others what they learned. Starting as a teenager, Rory impressed adult customers engaged in sales and marketing with:

  • technical prowess in mass telephony
  • results he achieved for his clients
  • integrity
  • follow through with every relationship
  • leadership
  • creative problem solving

When the internet arrived, Rory Ricord was a natural because he already understood technology. We think of him as a genius with a huge heart. Currently, we are using, sharing and profiting from next wave, cutting edge technology products in all areas that you need to know about. We are solving current problems in many areas. We love it. You will love it too!

Favorite Online Solutions in Your Liberty Lifestyle Community Info System

Fine Wine Of The Month Club – Enjoy it, Enjoy It for Free, or Start A Business


Ok, you say. All this sounds just too good to be true. Let me show you one of my favorite finds that has changed my life. It is a product, a service, a business opportunity, an education opportunity, and a community relationship opportunity combined into any combination of those attributes.

We have many things to offer, but many people appreciate and relate to DTC Fine Wine of the Month Club. I promise there is nothing else like it on the planet. Go Here to discover more about our discovery club! If you do not think you are interested, I challenge you to go here anyway. You will learn something you did not know before. After all, wine is mentioned 231 times in the King James Bible. Did you know that fine wine is a food group?

Direct To The Home Private Education with Live Zoom Classrooms

Available in August, 2023, my absolute favorite online discovery is Brainfood Education. We are so excited to roll this out. You can sign up for $1.00 to hold your place and learn about this opportunity. Kindergarten will be offered for free. Initially, Brainfood will roll out in the United States and Australia. It will spread around the world in the future.

Children are the future. Jackie Kennedy famously said, “If you bungle raising your children, I don’t think whatever else you do well matters very much.

One of the most critical problems facing societies today is the education of children. Currently, Americans spend more per pupil than any nation on earth to educate their young. However, pupil performance grows more dismal every year. And even worse, what children are learning is more and more questionable. We have the solution to solve this problem. It is revolutionary.

Brainfood – Direct To The Home School with Live Teaching

Brainfood, is the innovative solution you that you need to ensure that your children become productive citizens and fulfill their highest potential. This accredited, new and unique education solution provides live online teachers to your children in the safety and comfort of your own home. This school is classified by State as a Private School rather than Home School. Depending on the State, this means that funding may be available to your family. Kindergarten will be provided for free. Let’s get your children started on a lifetime of learning and adventure.

If you are concerned about the public school system, but do not feel like becoming a teacher yourself, Brainfood offers live teaching through zoom and outstanding course materials.

Under development since 2017, the curriculum is the best and includes extras like music. As the Brainfood Education Platform grows, much more is planned.

You can schedule the classes on your family’s schedule and access the recording if a class is missed. You select the teacher that best fits your child. If it does not work out as expected, you can change teachers.

All this, plus tutoring to maximize learning or to help a child “get it” when needed. With tutoring, parents can help their children “get more” if a child has a special talent or interest. As needed, there will be other resources for special needs and extra curricular activities. We are so excited to offer this solution to the world. Go Here for more information.

Are You A Teacher At Top of Your Game? Do You Want To Impact The World.

WE ARE RECRUITING TEACHERS! If you are not ready to give up your teaching job, consider teaching one class. Teachers are rewarded handsomely and you will love the administrative software. Much work is eliminated.


Learn more about Brainfood, meet the teachers and leaders. $1.00 is a place holder. Informational meetings occur on Wednesday evenings.

  • Place: zoom.us/j/267159642
  • Times: 8:30PM EST, 7:30PM CST, 6:30PM MST, 5:30PM PST

Web 3.0, Blockchain Technology, Crypto Currency

What about the latest technologies and trends? Have you heard of bitcoin, blockchain technology, Web 3.0, Fungible Tokens, Crypto Currency? These may be new terms that sound like science fiction. But, these things are here to stay. THE WORLD IS CHANGING RAPIDLY BEFORE OUR EYES. Certainly, in these uncertain times, you need to be informed so you can educate both yourself and the people around you. Do you know that governments are starting to roll out centralized bank digital currency (CBDC)? Blockchain technology is decentralized. You need to know the difference. This is the safe place to explore these vital new concepts. GO HERE TO LEARN MORE.

Then, get some experience and earn free crypto currency so you practice and master the concepts.

We, also, have an amazing opportunity to monitor your vital health numbers in private and to earn just because your heart beats. Learn all about this breaking new concept and technology here.

Health and Wellness

The medical industry is at a crossroads. People’s attitudes are changing and they want more control of their own health. Trust in the medical industry is at an all time low. We have identified some of the latest innovations in health research and products for you. You are totally unique in the way your body functions in much the same way as your fingerprint is unique. Therefore, it is necessary for each person to be monitor their own body and to develop the optimum strategies.

We are responsible to optimize our own health and well being through foods we eat, supplements we take, exercise and positive feeding of our minds and spirit. After all we are mind, body and spirit. Check out our Bio Hacking Page here.

Multiple Income Streams Available in Live Free Community Information System

Did you know that people who accumulate wealth do not rely on one income stream. Many of the skills people need to prosper in life, like financial literacy are not taught in school. Here in Live Free Community Online Information System, we do teach financial literacy and life skills as part of being active in our community. We even provide opportunities to create multiple income streams and the education/training to go with it. These opportunities are spread throughout this community, but rest assured each one is thoroughly vetted and includes training and a support team.

Many in our community of start as part time bloggers as a path to multiple income streams. Some grow to full time performance blogging as a path to time and financial freedom. It is work and requires learning new skills and habits. However, anyone with the drive and work ethic can do it because we teach the skills and habits step by step and have fun along the way. Our mission is to help millions of families around the world experience time and financial freedom, one family at a time. Our CEO and his wife had a vision 15 years ago to pay forward what he started learning at a young age. Any obstacles to success are have been removed except for your own mindset. We help with that if you are open. We even have bridge income for those who qualify.

In Conclusion

Thank you for stopping by! I am so glad you found your new online community, Live Free Community. We look forward to getting to know you better and for you to get to know us. Please tell us what you think. We welcome you and we want you to experience life in all its fullness.

Online Community for Living in Freedom

Welcome to Liverty Lifestye Online Community Information System where you find awesome products, services and opportunities to live free in abundance. While here, you will also discover education and training in cutting edge technologies that you need to know about. Stick with us to design a life with time and financial freedom that you can pay forward. We cover a broad range so take your time and bookmark this site so you can find it again. We are all designed to be free and live abundantly.

Actually we are a community of ordinary people doing extraordinary things. We are dedicated to helping millions of families create freedom. But, don’t worry, it is not just me. You see, I work with a community dedicated to making the world better by identifying critical problems families face, bringing cutting edge solutions and offering hope and even some fun. We are the online community built just for you. We want you to know that your are extraordinary.

The World Brought To You

We bring the world to your doorstep. And, we search for new and unique products, cutting edge technology solutions, services and opportunities all the time. Then, we gather those online finds in this easy-to-use community mall and education center to save you time and energy. While here, you learn about some of the latest life changing trends in society. We even give you the skinny on how to use it in your own life.

Sometimes, we offer great value on things you already know about. Other times, we discover “online finds” that are newer or better than what you find in elsewhere. And, once in a while, we find online solutions you do not know you need until you “see it”. For instance, do you have a puppy that “poots” too much for mixed company? Do you enjoy wine with friends but not headaches the next day? We have amazing solutions. Therefore, stop by often to see what’s new or to remind yourself of an opportunity. One thing we know for sure, life change happens all the time. So, what may not have been a need before becomes a need now.

Join our community by completing the registration form!

Time limits apply to some offers. Therefore, please register so we can inform you. No worries, we don’t spam, we do not share your information. This is your community. You are safe here. And, if you need anything else, contact me and I will go to work for you. If you know of anyone needing a helping hand or something different in their life, please refer them to this community home.

Wine Magic and The Perfect Online Community to Find It

One of my favorite discoveries is: Wine Magic.  Just look to find it in the Arts & Entertainment Section. True Fine Wine increases abundance and quality of life in multiple ways. Do you know the difference in fine wine from what you buy at the grocery or liquor store? So, you will be amazed at what you learn about the art and crafting of fine wine in this article. Did you know that fine wine is considered a food? The health benefits of fine wine are well documented. It is fun, entertaining, healthy and maybe even profitable! This is even an online community in itself. As you find the other online discoveries located here, you will want to connect in even more ways. Abundant Life Community Information System is where life becomes fun and interesting.

Online Community Finds Are Wide Ranging

My team and I cover a wide range of topics, discoveries, new information, and experiences for you. And, we are adding unique and new ideas all the time.  We order products and services to learn about them and test them. If they work, and add value to our lives, we just add them to our lists of other great discoveries. Our discoveries and online finds are categorized on the menu to make it very easy to explore. So be sure and check out links within the pages for more information.

My hope is that you have fun and learn something useful that helps you live abundantly. Once here, you have here a safe and verified place to research new online discoveries. Also, opportunities to earn income is always a timely area to scrutinize. We believe that everyone needs multiple streams of income and we have multiple such opportunities for you to explore in this community. So, you will want to bookmark this page, and keep checking back, to find new ideas. And, I have an amazing e-newsletter that goes out with updates and key information on amazing offers. No need to worry about us selling or sharing your info… we do not, ever. Also, email me if you have a question or want to learn about a topic not included here. I will go to work just for you.

Community Experience

My team has decades of technology experience spread over 30 plus years. This is important as we carefully scrutinize for internet scams and things that might be harmful. So thank you for stopping by and we look forward to your friendship and becoming part of our community. Once a month we meet on a zoom wine and dine where we discover great food and wine pairings just for fun. On Saturdays, we also have a 30 minute online brunch focused on wine education and food pairings.

In conclusion, thank you for stopping by. We really appreciate your being a part of our online community. And, we look forward to several more decades of being an information source for you.