Youth with Collagen time reverser/ uüth™

We are all aging all the time! It would be just great to keep the Youth while we gain the Wisdom that living life brings us. As it turns out, collagen has a lot to do with a youthful body and our bodies start losing it in our 20’s. Sometimes they say youth is wasted on the young. We have discovered, the very best collagen enhancer on the planet. Introducing: uüth™ time reverser. I want to keep my health, vitality, and that special uumph, so I can continue to live life to the fullest every day. Solution: add back collagen with uüth time reverser. I call it Abundant Living For Life! HOW ABOUT YOU??? Check out video and read on!

CLICK HERE and GET STARTED – uüth time reverser for lasting youth.

Best Collagen Advanced Formulation – uüth time reverser

uuth time reverser

More and more people are discovering the benefits of taking collagen to fight the visible and invisible signs of aging such as wrinkles, thinning skin, skin dryness, joint pain, bone density and even digestive and circulation issues. Personally, I just want to look and feel my best so I can live life with intention, stay relevant and contribute. And, I want my knees not to hurt. I have discovered that many people simply quit on life because they hurt. When my 40 year knee issues from racquetball went away, I started exercising and moving again. So can you! We have found the best collagen: uüthtime reverser. Read further to learn more.

Anti Aging Is Universal

We all want to continue to move, pursue our passions and share our abundance throughout our time on earth. I want to keep my enthusiasm and abilities throughout life. The question is: How? Part of abundant living is consistency in taking care of your one and only body (your Temple so to speak) which requires great knowledge and intention. This is not easy to do in our current world. Fortunately, much help is now available through bio-hacking science to make it easier. You see, scientific knowledge has been applied to products and activities which makes intentional daily habits possible in our super busy lives. Why? Reduced lifetime medical costs and longer term vitality for living life. Delaying and reversing the signs of aging is the best strategy with uüthtime reverser.

Bio Hacking for Lasting Youth: Keep and Regain Youth

The advanced results achieved by uüth time reverser are possible because of Bio Hacking Science and Technology. uüth time reverser stacks powerful ingredients from nature, in the perfect proportion, to achieve multiple targeted health benefits, in the shortest amount of time. Bio Hacking has many definitions but this is the one that we use. uüth is the finest liquid bovine collagen available. It is also highly absorbable (bioavailable) so that it can get into your cells where the ingredients can actually go to work. That is another part of the bio hacking science makes the results from uüth time reverser so powerful. It is by definition collagen plus plus!

What is Collagen which is so plentiful in Youth?

Did you know that collagen is the glue that holds our bodies together? It is the most abundant (40{5189376628fb0ebf4cf0ba40cf278addf87075f4069e9271700cad107220ed4b}) protein in the body. Collagen is made up of chains of the amino acids proline, glycine, and hydroxyproline. And, we start losing it in our 20’s. In fact, collagen is the major component of connective tissues, including tendons, ligaments, skin and muscles. Collagen has many important functions, including providing your skin with structure, strengthening your joints and bones, immune support, blood flow support and digestion support. As a collagen supplement, it has long been known that bovine collagen is best.

By the way, uüth time reverser has stacked other high performance, functional ingredients for even more benefits which you will see on the outside and feel on the inside. These ingredients offer additional support for the functions of collagen. Personally, I like getting the most bang for my dollars spent.

Benefits of collagen in uüth time reverser (youth) include:

  • Promote skin elasticity and hydration. Supplemental Collagen helps skin regain the glow of youthful skin by increasing absorption and retention of moisture. uüth time reverser also helps reduce or prevent fine lines by tightening and lifting from within.
  • Strengthen hair – which means stronger, healthier and shinier hair. Age-related hair loss, also known as involutional alopecia, occurs because hair follicles go into and stay longer in a resting phase so hair sheds. Good news, uüth time reverser can wake up those hair follicles. Collagen safely and effectively promotes significant hair growth, including improvements in hair volume, scalp coverage, and thickness. This improved hair is also less likely to fall out or shed.
  • Strengthen nails – As people age, brittle nail syndrome becomes common to some degree. This refers to nails with a rough surface, uneven thickness, color changes, and peeling. Simply adding collagen can often solve this problem. What a blessing.
  • Support joint health. Like so many other body parts and systems, things change as you age. Cartiledge in joints is collagen dense when young but as we start to lose collagen in our 20’s, Joints lose it just like skin loses it. In addition osteoarthritis sets in. In studies, collagen has been shown to reduce joint pain and improve joint function. I can attest to this result personally as I had knee pain for 40 years from playing competitive racquetball. I do not even think about my knees any more and my bone density scan is off the charts.

Internal Youth Benefits of Collagen

  • Help support bone density to promote pain free movement so you can continue to exercise, play your favorite sports, and do other physical activities. Studies have shown that collagen supplementation helps with increased bone formation and decreased bone degradation. This is important for seniors who often suffer from age related loss of bone mass density.
  • Support healthy weight management and increase in muscle mass. Losing weight, in our culture is not easy. There are many pieces to the puzzle in addition to sticking to a routine. But there are tools that can help. Uuth is one of them. As it turns out, in studies collagen has been shown to help reduce the accumulation of fat (even belly fat) and to increase fat-free mass. Collagen protein proved to be better than whey protein. To upsize the benefits, do some resistance exercise to further increase muscle mass.
  • Help digestive issues and bloating. A recent study shows that simply adding uuth can help with digestive issues and bloating. When considering all the other wonderful benefits, strengthening your gut is icing on the cake. Did you know that much disease begins in the gut? Keeping your gut in balance is a key to healthy living.
  • Support heart health and blood pressure by supporting a decrease low-density lipoprotein or LDL. High levels of LDL is believed to contribute to developing heart disease. Also Collagen may help reduce blood pressure which is one key to preventing stroke and maintaining a healthy heart.
  • Supports faster injury recovery from both intense exercise and wounds. As you age and have less collagen, injury recovery takes longer. Studies have shown that collagen supplementation speeds us recovery. Regular exercise is so necessary to maintain vitality that this tip is awesome. Also, when you or a loved one must get surgery or spend time in the hospital, collagen supplementation can help speed recovery. How nice is that.

Anti Aging Ingredients in uüth time reverser Collagen Plus

We all know that our food supply is not as nutritious, as it once was, due to large industrial farming techniques and lots of processing. But how do we combat it? We also know that body nutrition needs change with aging. In the case of collagen production, the body begins to produce less and less beginning in our 20’s. Bio Hacking nutrition is the answer we have found. It would not be realistic for most people to create a diet which includes this list of perfectly proportioned ingredients. Why would you want to try when we have it so conveniently packaged for you?

uüth time reverser contains the purest hydrolyzed bovine collagen peptides which are short strings of amino acids. which are much easier for the body to absorb than the whole protein. Hydrolyzed bovine collagen is known to be the most effective collagen and the most bioavailable. In addition, uüth time reverser also stacks other powerful nutrients in just the right proportion to maximize benefits to your body.

Check out these age defying ingredients that create youth for a lifetime:

  • Hydrolyzed bovine collagen peptides in the purest form
  • S7 Nitric Oxide (NO) is a plant-based ingredient that increases Nitric Oxide that your body produces by 230{5189376628fb0ebf4cf0ba40cf278addf87075f4069e9271700cad107220ed4b}. Our bodies produce NO to help circulation but we produce less as we age.
  • NMN (Nicotinamide mononucleotide) promotes vascular health and improves muscle tone, endurance and strength. NMN can enhance the maintenance of DNA repair and increase mitochondrial function.
  • D Biotin Pure is water-soluble vitamin (also known as B-7). It helps metabolize carbohydrates and amino acids while helping to break down fat in the body and create the necessary energy our bodies need. Creating energy from fat is really helpful. If help the process along by eating a keto friendly diet just imagine the results.
  • Aronia Berries are rich in fiber, Vitamin C and more antioxidants than any other berry. This berry is considered one of the world’s most powerful superfoods. Only ingredients that get the most benefit are used in this line of products.
  • Rosa Roxburghii is a plant based extract known for extremely high Vitamin C content plus many other benefits. It is used in Chinese medicine as a skin soother and as a topical ointment.
  • SODs (superoxide dismutase) contain both anti-aging and antioxidant properties. It is the most antioxidant enzyme made within the body because it fights free radical damage and combats inflation. It works to speed up chemical reactions in the body. Some foods that contain SODs are cabbage, peas, broccoli, and spinach. SODs carry the ability to reduce free radical damage to the skin, preventing wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots. SODs may also help with wound care, softening scar tissue and protection against UV rays.

Absorption of Collagen is Everything!!!

Remember, if these incredible ingredients don’t make it into your cells, then you have wasted money. uüth time reverser is formulated to be highly absorbable (bioavailable) by a cold centrifuge manufacturing technique to decrease the size of the molecules. Not only is it absorbable, it has a delightful berry taste. This is important because when you snap this deliciousness into your mouth, it is best to hold in your mouth for a count of 10 before swallowing. This procedure is to maximize absorption. Actually, I take it every morning because it tastes like a fresh berry dessert. I certainly don’t want people to guess my age.

When Do You Take uüth time reverser with collagen plus?

Taken daily in the morning, uüth time reverser is a “snap” of refreshment for vitality and fuel for your body. This product helps not only your external appearance but also supports the internal functioning of your body systems. You may notice some benefits soon like more endurance, stamina and va-voom where it matters most, but some other benefits may take time and will increase over time. You should take the product for at least 90 days before coming to any conclusion. After all, your body has been “used and abused” into its current state over a period of time. uüth time reverser is super charged nutrition. Nutrition is fuel for body. Rome was not built in a day and neither is your health. Your body hard works 24/7. It deserves the very best fuel for a long and vibrant life.

Seeking The Fountain of Youth Should Start Early in Life

fountain of youth

What do we all want? Is it not to remain healthy and vibrant throughout life? People have been seeking the Fountain of Youth since the beginning of time (remember Cleopatra). Yes, searching for the Fountain of Youth is the stuff of myths and legends. Hollywood thrives on it. You can have the myth; we have found the real solution: uüth time reverser. It is a legend in the making.

If I had it to over again, I would start taking this supplement in my 20’s or 30’s to supplement the collagen that my body was already losing. You know what they say, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”. To live abundantly taking care of your health is of vital importance. Taking care of your health, as a life style, will also save you a bundle in both time and money over your lifetime. This is abundant living at its best for both you and those you care about.

Quality Matters

We have already mention that hydrolyzed bovine collagen peptides supplements show the best results. However, you can find vegan collagen supplements which are excellent for people on vegan diets. That being said, quality is a huge consideration when putting any supplement in the body. Low cost supplements might contain unlisted or chemical additives or ingredients. In addition, the growing conditions may be questionable for some natural supplements. The manufacturing processes use a heat source which is created with a fuel. Be sure to consider the quality of any supplement that you put into your body. Check out this article for symbols that represent quality in the Supplement Industry.

Time Marches On! Youth does not have to fade. Stay healthy With Bio Hacking Science!

uüth time reverser is one of five products that work together to help you live life abundantly from the leader in bio hacking science and technology. More products are coming so always check back. Four of the five are nutritional bio hacking solutions that work together or alone depending on your personal health needs. Premium stacked ingredients in the perfect proportion to help your body achieve the State of Flow in the shortest amount of time. When your body is in Flow, it works for you, and fights off environmental hazards that bombard you 24/7. Take care of your body to create and sustain abundant living.

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  • Protect yourself from ever increasing EMF (Electromagnetic Force) as 5G networks and electronic devices dominate more and more of your life. Technology creates wonderful opportunities for humankind, but also requires that we understand how to safely integrate into our lives. (SEE IT HERE)

Financial Freedom: Available from Bio Hacking Science

Have you learned in the last couple of years that life may not be as predictable as you once thought? Experience and wise mentors have taught me that having multiple streams of income is a great way to secure abundant living and freedom. You know what they say, “don’t put all your eggs in one basket”. Check out this information because financial freedom reduces stress a primary cause of poor health. As a matter of fact, the makers of uüth time reverser have a wonderful opportunity to share the gift of good health into our world. People need these products to both improve and maintain good health.

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