Wine Magic

Wine Magic contributes so much to life. It is a 7,000-year-old gift from the Laws of Nature or Nature’s God. Indeed, nature provides most of what we need for our health and well-being. As you know, we humans are our physical body as well as mind and spirit….all working together as a fine tuned machine. Check out this amazing Discovery Fine Wine of the Month Club. A wine of the month club for truly fine wines bottled, at just the right time, just for you!

Go Here to Enroll and Get Your Fine Wines Delivered To Your Door

How Can We All Experience Wine Magic Delivered To Our Door?

The magic of receiving fine wine abundance delivered to your own door will be joyfully anticipated every month. Your own feel good hormones will flood your body with peace and well being which is just one way your health improves. As a result, deciding what to pair with each month’s wine will be exciting in itself and create even more happiness. As you know, wine is meant to be enjoyed with food. The combinations are endless with one element changing the taste of the other.

Award-winning, Artisan Winemakers, 2nd and 3rd generation, make this fabulous Fine Wine of the Month Club who only bottle these remarkable Fine Wines at the peak of perfection. For that reason, bottling will never be rushed even when anticipation is bursting. Each month you will be delighted. Choose whites, reds or a combination.

Remember, This Fabulous Discovery Fine Wine of the Month Club:

  • Owns its own vineyards in Napa Valley and Sonoma Valley.
  • Purchases entire harvests of small and trusted specialty growers in the region. You cannot get these wines anywhere else.
  • Contracts 2nd and 3rd generation Award-Winning Artisan Winemakers.
  • Ages fine wine naturally to the peak of perfection with absolutely no additives. Grapes only.
  • Offers a simple way to earn free fine wine monthly simply as a member.
  • For Grand Cru members, they offer a Labor Day “Stomping of the Grapes” Harvest Experience at the Vineyard. Great Food Paired with Grand Cru, top-of-the-line fine wine. Of course, live music adds to the ambiance and enjoyment. Make a lifetime memory.
  • Discovery Wine of the Month Club offers two separate business models to become a wine entrepreneur/partner for those who desire to share their own passion for wine. Just imagine being a partner in your own Napa Vineyard! Of course, we love members just as much and even offer them the opportunity to receive free wine. The owners and partners are dedicated to bringing the art and passion of fine wine to every person.
  • These fine wines distribute only through this Discovery Wine of the Month Club. They are harvested, processed and bottled right at the facilities and travels from there to your door. Five layers of middlemen (profit centers) are eliminated. All the savings are passed to you.
  • During the heat of summer, this club ships these fine wines in refrigerated trucks to ensure quality.
  • Discovery Wine of the Month Club never distributes overruns or wines that have not sold. Fine wine is created only and especially for its members and bottled only at the perfect time. Depending on the type of grape, this may be years down the road from harvest. The owners passion for fine wine means there is never a push to rush mother nature.

Why are these Fine Wines Good For You?

A strong and healthy human requires the right fuel and environment to function at peak performance. Fine wine with no artificial ingredients is, in fact, such a fuel. People live longer and better by consuming daily, in moderation Fine Wine made only from grapes. Wine culture has existed for 7000 years. After prohibition, big business was detrimental to fine wine culture to make way for huge profits. True fine wine, made with only grapes, not only has physical health benefits but also mind and spirit ones too. Check out the video above for some awesome information, including how to make Fine Wine an affordable abundance for daily living!

Make Every Day a Celebration of Life With All Natural, Fine Wine

fine wines

Adding a truly Fine Wine to any meal, any occasion, any moment makes celebration of abundant living both memorable, joyful and healthful. When an event is memorable and joyful, your body creates hormones that reduce stress and create well being. But Notice I said Fine Wine! Wine Magic happens with Truly Fine Wine. Fine Wine contains only grapes. On the contrary, most wines sold are mass produced wine beverages with artificial ingredients to:

  • Preserve them
  • Quicken the fermentation process
  • Make them taste the same year after year

That is to say, mass produced wine “punch” is made from a recipe so that it tastes the same year after year. In addition, chemical sulfites are an additive which both speeds up fermentation and preserves the wine beverage. But, sulfites and 230 other allowed additives for taste cause unwanted side effects like hangovers and headaches. Would you ever voluntarily drink arsenic or sawdust? The FDA allows distribution of wine beverages without you knowing what is in them.

These additives also cause the wine to lose the healthfulness which nature designed for us. Our bodies cannot process that which it does not know….hence headaches, a rotten tummy and other nasties. DTCA wines contain only grapes. It requires time and patience to bottle wine at its peak of perfection. In conclusion, maximize health benefits by drinking this all natural, fine wine!

Wine History in the US

The production of wine began in the United States with grapes planted by priests around the Spanish missions in California. Over time, a thriving fine wine culture developed with businessmen and artisan winemakers creating a fine wine industry in the late 1800’s. Newly established railroads shipped these fine wines across the country. These winemakers and businessmen understood and appreciated the Art of Fine Wine. But then, in the early 1900’s, a devasting grape disease and prohibition almost destroyed the wine industry in the Napa Region. Did you know that cocktails were invented during prohibition to mask the taste of moonshine? Actually I went to distillery and tasted moon shine….yuck is all i can say.

After Prohibition, Fine Wine Culture was lost to make way for mass production wine “punch”. The wine industry became all about the dollar rather than the joy of adding fine wine to the life of ordinary people across the nation. As we are learning more every day, big business cares about profits, not health and well being of its customers.

More Magic and Abundance with Fine Wine

wine magic

Food and Wine are basic to pleasure and abundance in life. Each naturally produced, fine wine vintage is actually a food with its own flavor profile. People serve foods cooked with certain spices together because they taste good together. Fine wine, as a food, is an important part of that mix. Pairing fine wine with different foods and spices is ultimate abundant living, pleasure and health. Abundant living is for all mankind, not just the privileged few. What is so cool is that there are no “rules” because every human has unique taste buds.

And this Discovery Wine of the Month Club, brings you this amazingly abundant “fine wine culture” with continuing education, Monthly Wine & Dines and a 30 minute Wine Brunch each Saturday, exquisite Wine Harvest events, free fine wine delivered to your door, and even opportunities to participate as a business partner. All of the events are educational about the fine art of enjoying fine wine and food pairings. This wine community is fun and down to earth for every man. We hope you will join often.

Fine Wine, made only from grapes, cannot taste the same every year because nature does not stay the same every year. And, there are some climates and locations that have the best mix of soil and climate to nurture wine grapes. The Napa and Sonoma Valley Zone in CA is one of the most perfect places on earth to nurture wine grapes. Since 1976, in the hands of brilliant winemakers, wines from this zone win worldwide awards.

Did you know that there over 10,000 varietals (different types of grapes)? So wine is magical because nature provides endless variety to create wonderful refreshments.

Why Does Fine Wine Have Familiar Tastes?

As it ferments, wine develops with hints of many tastes from the natural world. People often describe the taste of fine wine with flavors of other foods and spices and elements from nature. For instance, they might describe a fine wine as buttery or peppery or having hints of cherry or apricot or blackberry or hints of oak or leather. These flavor descriptions mean that for a particular vintage, chemical compounds have developed in the wine with tastes similar to those tastes in nature, through the fermentation process.

Oh my, how interesting and fun to develop your own fine wine palette! Because every human is very unique with unique taste buds, you will develop your very own fine wine palette. In European wine drinking cultures, children are given small tasting glasses to develop their own palettes over their lifetimes. Wine is not meant to be drunk for a high, it is meant to be paired with food and increase the pleasure of eating and to aid in its digestion. The doctor prescribed my grandmother a glass of port in the evening way back in the 1950’s.

No Shortcuts Ever at our Wine of the Month Club


So, in this complex art of fine wine production , the artisan wine maker with other tasting experts tastes and tests the wine in process every quarter until it is perfect for bottling. Depending on the grape, it is often a six year process from grape to bottle in the creation of Fine Wine. There can be no shortcuts in the making of truly Fine Wine. Wine Ambassador Vineyards currently have grapes fermenting to bottle 5 years into the future. Imagine being part of this very truly wine magic. If you choose, you can even become a partner with Wine Ambassador in your very own wine business. Or, you can simply enjoy abundant living delivered to your door step every month. Absolutely, Wine Magic!

Fine Wine Shipping is an Important Detail

Shipping is an important feature of Discovery Fine Wine of the Month Club. This is a true luxury as these fine wines would retail at $80 to $100 per bottle. When the weather is hot, these fine wines ship by refrigerated truck. The packaging is perfected to minimize damage. Of course, any problem is simply a call to customer service to resolve. In addition, if you cannot receive your shipment for any reason, you can simply hold the shipment at Vineyards until you are ready.

FREE Fine Wine

What’s more, by just spreading abundant living and love, it is possible to receive these gifts from nature for just the cost of shipping. As you receive wine from Discovery Wine of the Month Club, it will be natural for you to share them with friends and family.

So, when 3 friends decide to become members of the club, you will receive your monthly wine for just the cost of shipping. If you just have one friend who becomes a member, then you will receive your wine every third month for just the cost of shipping, etc. We believe in transparency and fairness at

There is no need to push this, it will happen naturally as you invite others to share your wine. The Owners of Wine Ambassador are on a mission to share their passion for pure and delightful Fine Wine to all with ears to hear.

Wine Magic to Build Relationships and Build Community

What else about Wine Magic helps create Free and Abundant Living? All of the things described above in some way involve creating closeness and relationship between people. Why is that? Because relationships with family and friends bring us more abundance than anything else in life. Adding healthy, fine wine to gatherings helps soften the rough edges of our humanity so our defensiveness and stress melt away. Used appropriately, fine wine is a food group. A serving is just 3 or 4 ounces! 3 or 4 ounces softens the rough part of a human interactions, promotes harmony, win win negotiations and lovely conversations.

Responsible Wine Magic

Participating in the beauty and love of creating closer relationships with wine requires some boundaries. That being so, knowing the perfect amount for your own biology is necessary. Again, a serving is only 3 or 4 ounces. For me, one serving is a perfect amount for my own body to soothe my emotions. For example, at only 5 feet tall, when I drink 2 or 3 on special occasions, I just don’t drive. Responsible wine magic is a concept we all need to consider.

Join our Saturday Brunch Wine and Dine Community

JOIN US on our Wine Brunch Saturday Mornings! We have new ones LIVE each and every Saturday. The time is 9:00am (PST) / 10:00am (MST) / 11:00am (CST) / 12pm (EST) / 8:00AM (AST). The place is our “Zoom Meeting Room”, If you have any trouble, go to to get the access times and links. Learn about wine and food pairings and creating wine magic moments with the ordinary and extraordinary. Celebrate abundant living with new friends. Monthly, we have a dinner wine and dine with proper transitions of wine. Contact me for the time of the next one.

Please contact us for any of your questions. We want and love to hear from you.