Teachers Can Earn Thousands For A Single Class

At Brainfood Academy teachers can earn thousands for teaching a single class. In other words, Teachers Make What They Are Worth! Brainfood Academy is the Education Solution for Roaring 2020’s and Beyond! And, its primary goal is to to provide K-12 students with the education they need to actively participate in and create future society as far as we can imagine. Teachers are a critical piece of that puzzle and we need the best and brightest. In order for that to happen, Brainfood Academy created a payment system to compensate teachers for the incredible value they provide.

Go Here For More Information About This Teaching Opportunity!

The fact is, we cannot imagine what will be the needed in the future, but the structure and technology of Brainfood Academy allows it to add what is needed at any time. The best and brightest teachers who are passionate about the education of our children are a huge part of the solution.

Education is Broken! Brainfood Academy is the Education Reboot for Our Times

We all know education is broken. It became widely known as a result of the lockdowns of 2020 that a large part of education is indoctrination. This shocking revelation is the primary unifying factor of parents in the United States across idealogical lines. The love for our children and all children is a driving force to save the freedom that people everywhere deserve and for which the US symbolizes. Teachers used to be the most important part of the solution. They lead the classroom with authority and made the important decisions. Teachers were respected in the community. Just think how many famous coaches we quoted and learned from…long before they were celebrities in their own right. Brainfood Academy is bringing excellent and passionate teachers directly to your home in Brainfood Academy.

Brainfood Academy: Education Reboot History

Brainfood Academy began its development in 2017 as an online tutoring school. The goal of tutoring was not only to help children over a rough spot, but also to help them develop a particular talent or interest. The goal, of course, is to develop the fullest potential in each child. It is our core believe that each child and each human have contributions to make to their family, their community, their country and the world. During the lockdowns of 2020, it was discovered that the technology developed easily translated to online schooling. Brainfood Academy is launching in the US on August 28, 2023 as a fully accredited Private School, directly to your home, in all 50 states.

Brainfood Academy chose to classify as a “Private School” because it gives families access to available state funding that follows the child. Such funding is available in some states and that number is growing.

in society which haAt Brainfood Academy teachers can make thousands for teaching a single class. Teachers make what they are worth.eoples been manipulated by the “Administrative State” for long enough.

The Solution for K-12 Education

Recruiting Teachers Who Love To Teach

Teacher Compensation

Benefits To Teaching in an Entrepreneurial Setting

Problems for Teachers in Current Education Systems

Problems for Students in Current Education Systems

Brainfood Academy History and Goals

Brainfood Academy Mission