Best EMF Protection 24/7

An incredible and stylish wearable device is available for 24 hour EMF protection because the danger to health is growing. We do know that the power of EMF is ever increasing with the onset of 5G which is an entirely new level pushed by government and industry. In addition, we are surrounded by more and more gadgets and devices in our homes for work and entertainment. Plus, we begin our love affair with electronic devices as babies while bodies and brains are fragile and still developing. Check out the video below for a brief introduction.

tuün™ RESONATE from Velovita Official on Vimeo.

Watch the 4 minute Video above and Choose To Protect Yourself !

EMF is Everywhere At All Times

EMF Protection

We are not likely to change the our use of devices. We can do so much more and they make our work lives so much easier and more effective. And now our entertainment is so tied to devices. Industry has been complacent about taking the danger seriously, so we must do it for ourselves.

Best EMF Protection Now Available

EMF Protection

As you saw in the video, we need to keep our bodies grounded to the earth’s frequency. Most adults do not have time to go barefoot outside all the time. I am trying but 5 minutes a day in the city somehow does not seem to be enough. Therefore, I am choosing to wear tuün™ RESONATE at all times except when showering. It is really striking and comfortable and I pulled out matching earrings. This amazing piece of jewelry looks sophisticated, stylish and cool both on men and women. It is assembled with earth-grounding-frequencies and other oxidative reaction reducers to offset the effects of EMF radiation and restore balance to your body.

You can also carry it in your pocket and put it under your pillow. However, when I am really dressed up with no pockets, I occasionally wear my pearls without it. But I put it back on to sleep that night. By the way, I have gifted this to the important people in my life. They all wear tuün™ RESONATE and the ones with these issues are sleeping better and moving better. Dogs and cats also remain calm in stormy situations. With so much uncertainty in the world, this is a this is a simple way to maintain balance and health.

EMF Damage to Human Health Requires EMF Protection

The frequency and voltage levels produced by man-made EMFs fluctuate, are erratic, and vibrate at levels that are not consistent with nature. These create disruptive currents in the human human cells and nervous system. Our bodies are constantly communicating through electrical and biochemical messages. When unnatural currents are received at high enough levels, normal functioning is disrupted causing cell damage and interruption of metabolic processes. We end up with deficiencies in the vital biochemical nutrients of calcium, lithium, and potassium, as well as lowered melatonin levels. In addition, these frequencies create stress proteins which means we are essentially in a constant state of physical stress and therefore inflammation. Thanks to bio-hacking science, we can get some relief.

Support Your Health With The Leader In Bio-Hacking Science


The leader in Bio-Hacking Science has developed products that all work together or independently to fuel your body so that it operates at peak performance because it is balanced and fueled properly. Our environment and modern society throws stressors at us 24/7. Fortunately we have help in fighting these off so that we can be at our best for those we love.

Bio-Hacking Solutions for the Best Health of your Life

Call Your Representatives in Congress

It is generally accepted that invisible electromagnetic force (EMF) is damaging to human health even though it is invisible and cannot yet be measured. Many studies have documented the hazards to health. We might go so far to ask our representatives and senators in congress to study the benefits versus the risks of pervasive 5G. Some think the current government push is to increase surveillance on the population rather than any consumer or business use. Of course, a whole new technology is very profitable to the telecommunications industry. We all need to call our representatives to demand impact studies on human health. Here is are list of over 500 studies to consider at your leisure that the government and communications industry are not.