Contact Us

Contact Us Please! Welcome you to Your Liberty Lifestyle Community Information. We hope you love browsing through everything we have for you. But, we want to hear from you too. Please contact us for help and to ask questions. We would like to know your thoughts and other needs. We update all the time so check back often.

Click around to the left or search for something you need. Everything you see here is real, vetted and the most amazing value available. Our one focus is to help families live their best life. Your best life is designed by you. We have products, services, opportunities and wisdom where you happen to be in designing your best life.

Sometimes, in an ever changing world, it is difficult to keep up and to find solutions when life throws us for a loop. That provides our purpose and mission. We are a growing and thriving Online Community of people who strive to live independently and freely. We are also a community of individuals who want to make the world a better place by helping others achieve their goals and dreams. You will find a home here in this community.

Communicate with Your Liberty Lifestyle Community

The best way to communicate with Your Liberty Lifestyle to learn about the large variety of products, services, income opportunities and wisdom is to Contact Us.

  1. Register to our Email Notification System to the Right of this Information Page.
  2. You Will Receive an Initial Email. And then, you will receive follow up emails with Key Updates and Awesome New Finds as we discover and thoroughly research them.
  3. Reply to any of those Emails. We will get with you within a couple of days to connect and show you the benefits of our offering. We only deal with truth in this community. What we have either fits a need for you or does not. We are not here to sell you something that you are not looking for.
  4. We will respond by email, text and/or phone call as required. When we need to talk, we normally establish and day/time via text first. My direct business phone is (469) 459-6499. As mentioned, please text first so we can set a day/time. My direct email is NOTE: This is my personal business phone number. I use this line often. I also work by a tightly scheduled calendar. It is much better to text me first and tell me a good day/time to call you back.

What You Have Access To Here as a Visitor / Customer

contact us
  • See things that are brought to the Internet First. We are often the first to share new products and services to a worldwide audience because we are a huge Distribution Solution. As such, we get the Word out About Products and Services. We do this through educational articles based on truth and personal experience, not hype.
  • Products that pay you to use them.
  • Value for exclusive products often not available elsewhere else. We work with our suppliers to price products and services for family economies.

What You Have Access to Here as a Member / Business Owner

  • Support for Families. Because we focus on individual family economies we create strength in E-Commerce where it Matters the Most. We are part of building a a parallel economy where individuals and families can thrive. We provide the knowledge, know how, and resources for families to create multiple streams of income. We also provide services needed by families when working for themselves.
  • Share in Resources. We are a growing Online Community with expertise and resources to help anyone shop, learn, work and thrive. We help people create a life by design step by step. We are not just a coach that gives you an idea that you must implement, whether you know how or not. We give you the knowledge, the know how and the resources.
  • Solutions to Obstacles that many face when starting a business. This includes the #1 reason most businesses fail: lack of resources to fund marketing. As part of his philanthropy to families, our CEO pays for our marketing. You may not yet even realize how significant this is just by reading these sentences. However, I must tell you it is a gift so profound that it is not explainable to those who have not yet had their own business. If you have had your own business you either know the value or you have stumbled upon the reason that you were not as successful as you hoped. It is not something that recruiters talk about.
  • Affiliate Marketing Established Relationships and a back office system/vendor contract that ensures payment for you.
  • Marketing platform to increase sales for your own products/services.

Direct To Consumer Shopping Has Become the Preferred Method of Shopping

Since the great lockdown, the internet is in a state of hyper growth. Actually, shopping online has become the preferred way of shopping for many people. However, it has also reduced consumer choice. Oh sure, a very few companies were the beneficiaries of the lockdown. They may offer everything you can imagine….but do they offer what you have not imagined? Also, so much retail power has been consolidated into a few hands, that value is often claimed but not real.

We are changing that by giving any person who has the desire to work and who can follow directions, the ability to build their own online mall. You get to do it with the support of a whole community and corporate structure, unlimited and daily training, and miniscule overhead. Because you mall is online, overhead does not increase as more products are introduced. Contact me as described above to learn more.

Once We have a Live Phone Discussion, Expect These Things:

  • Access to Multiple Income Streams. We are working on the Partnership Program of the Future. Only it is here now. Our Online Community Members can be a part of the Distribution of Information and Marketing that we do together. As a Result; we are creating income streams that are “Residual” and “Ongoing” by nature. You need to hear about this unique business and social model!
  • Training and Leadership from Successful Community Members. We learn and work with existing Millionaires and even some Billionaires in our Online Community. They are here to build with us and to share in resources and ways to better us individually, as well as with the entire Community. Again our mission is to give everyone the opportunity to design the life of their dreams.
  • Access to Bridge Income to Help Families Build out of Financial Stress. We even have programs that bless members with temporary monthly cash. With a little leg up, and personal effort, lives change.
  • Answers to Specific Questions on Products or Services.

We are a unique business model and social community. There is nothing like it anywhere. We have been here and growing since 2008. Every week we learn and grow and and It gets better and better the more you learn and participate.

So excited to meet you. Because we know what is available; because we were where you are now; we are super excited for you to see this too!


As described above, complete the registration form to the right of the page. Please do not be alarmed: We Never Sell Your Information and We Do Respect Your Digital Space and Time.

Find More Information on Products / Services – Email or Call Me Directly

We are marketers. One of our jobs is to connect you to a product or service and to answer any questions. We try to anticipate the questions and answer them on the page. We offer many products and services. If one of them matches a need or want in your life, that is a great thing. Just to proceed to follow the links to acquire the product or service. We never push. For example, check this out but please contact us if you need more information. It is our pleasure to serve you.

We are also researchers on what’s new online. Join us for free, your personalized information resource, by completing our registration form to the right. This lets us keep you up to date with time sensitive information and new discoveries and new information. We educate on relevant online topics and discoveries.

We respect your inbox space and we never ever sell your information. You can email me at You can also text me at (469) 459-6499. If we need to talk, we can set a time to do so.

We are not pushy. In this HIGH TECH World, We Are A Voice of High Touch Support.

Contact Us If You Want To Build Community or Learn More

Live Free Community is totally unique. Have you heard: “Don’t Put All Your Eggs in One Basket“? It is absolute truth! However, few people really know how to really accomplish that goal. Our CEO is the best mentor on the planet.

We have a step by step system. We provide a PERSONAL WEBSITE, already created, built out and indexed. In addition, we provide:

  • Always Relevant Products and Services. People seek us out to market their products and services.
  • A team of like minded people
  • A personal Instructor
  • Bridge Income if qualified (we even help you get qualified)
  • Leads and marketing system (Lack of Marketing is the #1 Reason Businesses Fail)
  • Constant Training and Guidance

Our job is to provide the high touch component, to do the work of marketing in a systematic way and to help each other as we grow in skills and leadership.

Contact Us Through Online Training Meetings

You are welcome to join us in our public meetings on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday evenings or Saturday mornings. These are not interactive, but you can engage with me about them. We have other days and times are for non public training. Our mission is to build up families across the globe, one family at a time. There is abundance and freedom in this world and our mission is to share it. We would love to greet you so be sure to let me know you are coming.

The PLACE: HTTPS:ZOOM.US/J/267159642.


  • Monday DTCA OPPO 9:00PM EST, 8:00PM CST, 7:00PM MST, 6:00PM PST
  • Tuesday CEO Announcement / Training 9:00PM EST, 8:00PM CST, 7:00PM MST, 6:00PM PST
  • Wednesday Brainfood Education Training 8:30PM EST, 7:30PM CST, 6:30PM MST, 5:30PM PST
  • Saturday CEO Training 11:00AM EST, 10:00AM CST, 9:00AM MST, 8:00AM PST
  • Saturday Wine & Dine Brunch 12:00PM EST, 11:00AM CST, 10:00AM MST, 9:00AM PST

Unique Social Community and Business Model – Contact Us

There is absolutely nothing else like our community and we have been growing since 2008. People with products come to us to be their marketing department. Our only mission: to help millions of families around the world find time and financial freedom and abundance in their lives. We feel that this goal requires being in business for yourself.

Even if you have an awesome job that you love, true freedom requires you to have multiple streams of income. No job is ever totally secure so a side hustle is a good thing. A side hustle gives you great tax benefits. W2 employees pay the highest taxes in the land.

In other words, we want to pay forward what we have found. Let’s set up a time to talk more about it. Text me at (469) 459-6499 so we can set a time to talk.

We offers Solutions for Multiple-Streams of Income to boost up the Family Economy. Furthermore; We are part of an incredible Support and Solutions Team.

We cannot wait to meet you. And whatever you are wanting to be a part of here; you are going to Love what we do and how we do it.