Coffee Creamer for Weight Loss – Say That Again!

There is not much that smells better than coffee brewing in the morning? By adding this magic creamer to your favorite coffee, you can watch inches and fat melt away. Imagine that feeling of abundance and calm and the taste to begin the day and also knowing you are intentionally helping your health. Actually, coffee is the second most traded commodity in the world, next to crude oil. That is how important coffee is to people.

By the way, each person has unique taste buds and a favorite morning brew. Suppose bio hacking science can boost the weight loss properties of coffee without switching it! Rather than replace your special morning moment, WHY NOT, just add to it.

Check out plôs Thermo!

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Coffee Creamer for Weight Loss

Don’t you love waking up with warm coffee sliding down your throat? The smell awakens you and that first sip feels so good sliding down your throat. Coffee does help curb you appetite and also has some other great properties for weight loss. What if you can boost the weight loss effect of your morning brew with an all-natural, nondairy creamer of healthy nutrients? Losing weight without changing your routine…how cool is that? plôs Thermo is here!

plôs Thermo is a nondairy creamer that just “snaps” into your favorite hot or cold coffee or other favorite beverage that has caffeine. If you prefer black coffee or tea, simply “snap” plôs Thermo straight into your mouth and then drink your coffee. Actually, this is what I do and it works just as well.

In addition, the innovative plôs Thermo “Snap” Packaging is totally portable….running late, no problem; traveling, no problem.

plôs Thermo uses natural ingredients to both curb your appetite and boost your fat-burning metabolism through thermogenic properties that burn stored (unwanted) fat. When your weight becomes ideal, plôs Thermo will help you maintain it while still enjoying your favorite foods and fine wine, spirits or other beverages. You will naturally reduce your portions over time because you want less. Your body becomes balanced.

Coffee Creamer for Mood Lift and Weight Loss

The great thing about plôs Thermo is that it “stacks” benefits. Each of these powerful products targets more than one health goal. In the case of plôs™ Thermo, natural ingredients both curb your appetite and boost your fat-burning metabolism. But there is more! plôs™ Thermo also enhances your mood and uplifts your spirit so your day is brighter and less stressful. Of course losing weight also uplifts your mood. When your mood is better, and your body loses cravings you naturally eat less, reduce snacking and feel joyful.

Your spirit soars when healthier so you share abundant living with those around you!

Bio-Hacking Advantage

Biohacking uses scientific knowledge to shortcut a targeted health goal. In the case of food supplements and/or nutraceuticals, specific natural ingredients are formulated to boost your own body’s internal processes to perform specific functions better. You may or may not know that each human body functions in its own unique way. Of course, we are all created with the same general structure yet we are all unique. Coupled with that, we each live in different environments with different experiences and stresses. So, Bio Hacking gives you the opportunity to fine-tune and optimize your own health, well-being, and performance over time. Don’t we all want to wake up in the morning ready to conquer the day, achieve our goals and bring positivity to those around us? I certainly do!

NOTE: food / dietary supplements need to be absorbable to the cellular level to be effective. Otherwise, they just flush out of your body and you have wasted your money. The plôs Thermo manufacturing process uses a cold centrifuge process to make it highly absorbable. You will feel the results and see less of yourself over time. The goal is to bring your body into homeostasis or balance.

Bio-Hacking Stacks Benefits To Achieve Multiple Goals

plôs Thermo scientists work hard at creating nutraceutical supplements to target multiple health goals. They work together to help you feel incredible. Your unique body functions exactly like no other in the universe. So, you must experiment and listen to your own body to find the particular combination of supplements, foods and activities that create balance and well being for you.

Of course, that is not a static over time. We all age all the time and we face different environments, life events and stresses at different times. The secret is to become aware and listen to your body. plôs Thermo scientists have created other products that boost your weight loss journey as a side benefit. Depending on your own needs, you can use them together or individually. When you add natural ingredients to help your body function better, you are helping it get into homeostasis or balance so that your body and mind are working together to lift your spirit to its best place.

My Personal Health Journey

Blessed with a high metabolism, inches did not start creeping up until age 55. This is despite having a very bad diet and a voracious sweet tooth. You know, grab whatever is closest to stop the hunger and keep on trucking. One day I looked at a picture and realized what two dress sizes did to my 5 foot frame. How did it happen? What happened to the promise to my aunt and 24 y.o. self …..that I would never ever have to wear my shirt tail out? So, when I saw that picture it was definitely a rude awakening. In this age of posting online, I was depressed. And I also realized that I did not exercise anymore because it hurt.

With the help of bio hacking science, over a period of six months, I lost 20 pounds (every 10 pounds is a dress size).


Something told me to exercise first even though I know that exercise alone will not help you lose weight without changing your diet. I started walking in place to engineered musical beats along with side steps, kicks and knee lifts and a stretch band to work all the muscles of 600 plus muscles in my body without ever getting on the floor. It took no time at all to work up from one mile to three miles and then to 5 miles. The time it takes is not important, everyone will be different. This walking routine is also a form of bio hacking science. I was able to do this new exercise routine because my left racquet knee quit hurting because of uüth™ time reverser collagen supplement.

Our bodies are designed to move. Contracting your muscles actually produces “exercise factors” or biochemicals that are used to keep your brain, organs, skeleton and everything else healthy. Also all 600 plus muscles in your body need to move to be in top physical shape. Don’t forget to smile often because you are exercising muscles and causing your brain to releases tiny molecules called neuropeptides to help fight off stress. If you want to learn more about how smiling effects Brain Chemistry, read what blogger Sarah Stevenson has to say: Go Here


To help the process along, for 2 months, I got a jump start with a strict keto diet. I was blessed because a friend already knew how to do it and cooked for me: I did not have to figure it out which was big for me. The weight has stayed off for 3 years without any effort at all. In fact, I now tuck my shirts in again….which may not be the style, but makes me feel proud.

You know what else, I do not have to deprive myself to keep the weight off. Of course, the supplements help me not crave so I naturally eat less and desire real food. But I still eat dessert and drink the finest, small batch truly fine wine on the planet because we have found a way to make it affordable and even free.

Personal Growth in Diet and Exercise

If I am really really honest, the hardest habit to break for me was drinking diet coke. I love diet coke (and it is designed along with other snack foods to addict us ). But now I look forward to exercise, real food that I prepare, and a glass of fine wine with my last meal of the day. Fine wine made from grapes only (absolutely no additives) is a real food group. I am living in luxury and abundance with a focus on helping others. Check out this incredible Discovery Wine of the Month Club. You can actually get small batch, personally crafted fine wine from Napa and Sonoma Valley, bottled at the peak of perfection just for you and delivered right to you.

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